Best Psychiatrist Near Me, Sheenie Ambardar MD
Sheenie Ambardar, MD
Concierge Psychiatrist

OCD Psychiatrist

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)

Helping adults throughout California and New York experience more peace, happiness, joy, and vitality through Integrative Psychiatry, Holistic Psychotherapy, and Personal Coaching

Reach out today for a free 15-Minute Phone Consultation.

If you're experiencing intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors, you may be struggling with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). OCD can manifest in many different ways, including excessive hand-washing, repeatedly checking the stove, fixating on symmetry and order, fear of harming others, or disturbing thoughts about relationships, sexuality, or religion.

At The Happiness Psychiatrist®, Dr. Ambardar treats the core symptoms of OCD using a holistic approach that combines carefully selected medications, cognitive behavioral therapy, and pharmaceutical-grade supplements. Let's work together to find the relief, peace, and happiness you deserve.

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