Best Psychiatrist Near Me, Sheenie Ambardar MD
Sheenie Ambardar, MD
Concierge Psychiatrist

Sleep Psychiatrist

Chronic Insomnia

Helping adults throughout California and New York experience more peace, happiness, joy, and vitality through Integrative Psychiatry, Holistic Psychotherapy, and Personal Coaching

Reach out today for a free 15-Minute Phone Consultation.

Sleep is a fundamental pillar of good mental and physical health, providing the foundation for emotional balance, cognitive clarity, and overall vitality. When insomnia disrupts your natural sleep rhythms, it can leave you feeling drained, irritable, and disconnected from the things that bring you joy.

As a sleep psychiatrist, Dr. Ambardar understands the profound impact that chronic sleep deprivation can have on your well-being, and she provides targeted interventions that can help. Together, we'll explore a range of solutions, from cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) to medication management and lifestyle changes - all designed to help you get the restful, rejuvenating sleep that you deserve.

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