Helping adults throughout California and New York experience more peace, happiness, joy, and vitality through Integrative Psychiatry, Holistic Psychotherapy, and Personal Coaching
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If you find yourself setting unrealistically high goals, never feeling quite good enough, or fearing failure, success, and criticism, you may be struggling with perfectionism. Perfectionistic thoughts can lead to anxiety, depression, burnout, chronic dissatisfaction, and a perpetual sense of being inadequate. It's important to remember that you are inherently worthy and valuable, regardless of your achievements. Together, we’ll work to find ways to ease the mental pressure, cultivate a more gentle and loving inner voice, and build lasting self-compassion.
Reach out today for a free 15-Minute Phone Consultation.
Do You Feel Like Nothing You Do Is Ever Good Enough?
Does constant self-judgment and self-comparison make it difficult for you to enjoy your achievements? Are your perfectionistic tendencies leading to anxiety, depression, exhaustion, and burnout? Does your tendency to second-guess yourself or feel insecure interfere with forming closer relationships?
Perhaps for as long as you can remember, you've set high standards for yourself. Even though you're often described as ambitious, intelligent, attractive, and successful by others, inwardly you may doubt yourself. Despite your accomplishments, a harsh critical inner voice makes you feel like you’re never measuring up. Even after achieving great things at school or work, you may compare yourself to those around you and always come up short.
It May Be Hard For You To Savor Your Success
When you’re a perfectionist, the times when you experience inner peace, happiness, and contentment are rare. Maybe you only allow yourself a brief moment to take pleasure in meeting a goal before moving on to the next thing. Instead of appreciating life in the present tense, you may feel driven to push forward to keep away fears of never reaching your full potential.
Unfortunately, your tendency to judge others as harshly as you judge yourself can negatively impact your relationships. And because you may doubt yourself, struggle with vulnerability, or want to hide your imperfections from others, forming close connections can be hard. As much as you want to let go of perfectionism, doing it without support isn’t easy.
If you're tired of your inner critic convincing you that you're never good enough, we're here to assure you that you are. Therapy can help you throw off the shackles of perfectionism that you've weaponized against yourself and nurture self-compassion and self-acceptance so that you can recognize your unique gifts. Using a blend of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Somatic (Breath and Body) techniques, perfectionism no longer has to define you.
Although Perfectionism Is Often Perpetuated By Our Culture, Therapy Can Help
Because society often assigns value to high achievement in the pursuit of monetary success, it’s no wonder many of us have cultivated perfectionistic tendencies.
Looking around, many aspects of American culture are hypercompetitive, materialistic, and capitalistic. Hollywood and messages from the media imply that we haven’t measured up unless we've achieved some winning combination of fame, fortune, and love. Steeped in a drive to compete and succeed, many people can't escape the acquisitive treadmill they've become stuck on.
Underlying Mental Health Issues May Worsen Our Perfectionistic Tendencies
Along with societal factors, we may have a genetic predisposition to mental health conditions such as anxiety, OCD, and depression, which can worsen the impact of perfectionism. Rather than recognizing that we are human and allowed to make mistakes, when we are anxious or depressed, we tend to blame ourselves when we fail.
Unspoken messages received from caregivers in childhood may also contribute to a sense that our value is conditioned upon high performance and achievement. We commonly don’t recognize how the influences of early childhood may continue to affect our worldview as adults, contributing to low self-worth and perfectionistic tendencies. In addition, our desire to be perfect is often complicated by the praise and positive reinforcement we receive.
Sometimes it feels like our genes and society have teamed up to make us feel super anxious and down. And when we're not feeling our best, we are more likely to beat ourselves up for not being perfect. Thanks to messages we may have received as kids, we have the idea that our worth is all about being the best and never making mistakes. But guess what? We're not alone in feeling this way and there are ways to work through it 💗
If you're tired of striving for perfection and constantly feeling lousy, there's help out there. Therapy interventions can help you deal with your anxiety and depression and can take the weight of perfectionism off your shoulders.
Perfectionism Therapy Helps Instill Self-Compassion And Self-Acceptance
Perfectionism is hard to overcome because it’s usually the result of deeply held beliefs that have been with you since childhood. Without realizing it, you may have internalized messages that unless you were "perfect" and "the best", you would never be good enough. These messages negatively impact your self-worth, making it hard to nurture close relationships or appreciate everything you've already accomplished.
Atthe heart of perfectionism therapy is helping you develop a stronger sense of self that is rooted and anchored in your inner soul, not external factors like success, achievement, fame, or relationships
With perfectionism disorder treatment, you can learn how to cultivate lasting self-compassion and a loving, nurturing relationship with yourself that isn’t dependent on outer accomplishments.
Quieting your inner critic and letting go of self-judgment, self-doubt, and the need for validation will free you from the limiting beliefs that are getting you down.
As a therapist for high-achievers, Dr. Ambardar is here to help you nurture your inner child and cultivate a kinder, more supportive and encouraging inner voice. By doing this, you can say goodbye to that harsh inner critic that's been perpetuating your negative self-image for so long.
Treating yourself with the same understanding and empathy that you show others is important for overcoming the underlying anxiety and depression that often comes with perfectionism.
As we continue with counseling, we'll work together to create long-term goals that address perfectionism. For instance, you might want to start a daily self-compassion routine that includes journaling, setting healthy boundaries at work or school, or spending less time with people who bring you down. It's all about finding balance and learning to love and respect yourself without the pressures of being perfect.
Dr. Ambardar understands how low self-esteem can contribute to perfectionism. Our primary focus will be to nurture self-compassion so that you can stop beating yourself up and start recognizing the wonderful, abundant gifts you have to offer.
Perfectionist Treatment Embraces A Blend Of Effective Therapeutic Modalities
In perfectionism treatment, Dr. Ambardar incorporates somatic therapy practices such as grounding exercises, meditation, mindfulness, and the ancient Hindu breathing technique of Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing).
Grounding skills can help you focus inward instead of being swayed by external forces. Additionally, therapeutic journaling and art therapy for perfectionism can help you tap into the creative process and reconnect with a lighter, freer version of yourself 🖼️
Incorporating Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) into sessions will help us examine the unhelpful, negative thought patterns that can fuel perfectionism. Breaking out of the perfectionist thought loop and replacing self-criticism with more helpful beliefs allows you to redefine how you view yourself.
Dr. Ambardar will also incorporate psychodynamic therapy into our sessions which allows us to uncover the unconscious processes that may be contributing to your distress 🌿
With some help and support from therapy, you can shake off the weight of perfectionism and find more inner peace. When you start being kinder to yourself and accepting who you are, not only can your relationships improve, but you can also pursue your dreams in a healthier, more sustainable way. Once you truly believe that you're enough just the way you are, you'll find more fulfillment in everything you do.
But Maybe You’re Not Sure If Perfectionism Therapy Is Right For You…
It's normal to have questions and doubts about Perfectionism Therapy
"I worry that letting go of my perfectionist tendencies in therapy to focus on self-compassion will take away my drive to succeed and achieve"🦊
Cultivating self-compassion and being a high-achiever aren't mutually exclusive. It’s possible to strive for great things while also exercising self-love. In perfectionism therapy, you'll learn how self-compassion makes life more enjoyable and protects against depression and low self-esteem. Nurturing a healthy sense of self in exchange for perfectionism provides fertile ground to tackle your goals in a healthier, more sustainable way.
"Although I think I would benefit from counseling for perfectionism, I worry about the cost" 💵
When you consider what your happiness is worth to you, it makes sense to invest in therapy and psychiatry. By learning how to let go of self-judgment and the sense that nothing you do is ever good enough, perfectionism therapy can help you improve satisfaction in everyfacet of your life. We can't think of anything more valuable! Prioritizing your mental health is something you'll never regret.
"Will perfectionism treatment require medication in addition to therapy? " 💊
Modern medicine can be a useful tool for improving mental wellness. As a psychiatrist and therapist, Dr. Ambardar uses low-dose medications thoughtfully to help treat any disabling symptoms that may accompany perfectionism, including anxiety, OCD, and depression. Treating these conditions can help lift your mood and give you the mental space and bandwidth to work on deeper issues in therapy related to perfectionism.
You CAN Let Go Of Perfectionism Once And For All 🎈
You deserve to feel lighter and happier, so please don't hesitate to reach out for support. To find out more about perfectionism therapy with Dr. Ambardar, we welcome you to contact us today 🎈